Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3-5 sentences

Assignment June 22-2010
"Write 3-5 sentences about your group discussion of Father's Day AND/OR practice typing 3 interesting paragraphs from the handout.

I'm choosing to write 3 interesting paragraphs from the handout.

1)First of all I find under title"Father's Day"in section one and two. Getting information about the origin of Father's day, because it's part of American history and Culture, hereafter Washington State is playing a role in nation. Important paragraph "Holiday traces back in the early 20th-century in Spokane Washington state", the important names are Sonora Smart-Dodd. President Nixon.

2)Under tittle :"shortchanged on Father's day" . The most interesting paragraph "The Most popular gift for Dad is a father's day Card. All told approximately 93 million cards are exchanged on father's Day" . An explanation in the US consumers' spending habit on Father's day compare to Mother's day. Reason is father tend to be an easy going person.
I believe other countries also have similar pattern too. Thought counts more than gift.

3)Under section "Easy to Please on Father's Day". I find the most interesting in the ending paragraph "Part of the reason seems to be that moms expect to be relieved of stereotypical chores such as cooking and cleaning up on Mother's day, but that doesn't always happen".
I believe many women are more detail , tends to take care the tidiness within home.Many woman not able to let go of the duties. I believe it also traces of the traditional sex roles still exits . Tradition is still well preserved
in today's society event time is changing regarding : sex roles, work force and earning power are undergoing process of changes.

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